run your business like a champ

Get your FREE business tool today!

Your business in one space

Keep your eye on every transaction made.

Make more money with less effort

Tap that, you know you want to!

Save time

No time wasted on cash-ups, we do the dirty work for you.

01Business tools

be in control of your cash-up

manage with no hassle

Business Tool

Tired of struggling with admin and reports, we’ve got you:

  • Take control of every transaction

  • NO PAPERWORK, get your reporting via mail

  • Manage your business from your couch

02It's Lekker

play around on our portal


add valuable services to your store

A Single Device,

Endless Opportunities

Now you have access to a range of services:

...and much more!

Rent it for


per month
Own it for


per month

enter your details!

    Payment Gateway

    Get started in just a few steps.

    02Product & Pricing - tell me how

    Get started in just a few steps.

    • contact-agent

      Contact an agent:

      Reach out to one of our friendly agents to assess your specific needs and discuss the best options for your business.

      WhatsApp us: 065 106 3876

    • purchase

      Purchase or Rent the Device:

      Choose the device that fits your needs, whether you want to purchase or rent it.

    • delivery

      Delivery and Configuration:

      Receive fast and hassle-free delivery and setup, with the device arriving and being fully configured within 24 hours.

    • requirement


      Before using the device, merchants will be required to provide proof of their business and a valid form of identification, such as a driver's license or asylum documentation.

    • feature

      What's Included:

      Our POS device comes complete with a charging point and SIM card.